The past week we presented our two first designs for our project of data visualization. To come up with these two proposals, first we drew as many sketches as possible. The idea was to create a lot of quick and simple drawings with the first thing that came to our mind to generate a lot of possible designs. Then, we merged some of these sketches to produce better compositions.
In our dataset we have plenty of information about the movies: rating, popularity, budget, revenue or release date among many other variables. During brainstorming we explored different ways to visualize all this information. For example, we used a scatter plot to compare the popularity of a movie with the popularity of the actors. Furthermore, we include additional information using other channels as colour hue to indicate the genre of the film and size for the budget. Another interesting idea is to include a timeline in our visualization. In that way, we could observe how different variables evolve through time.

The first design that we presented is a scatter plot where we use different channels to include some of the dimensions of our dataset. In this case, we plotted revenue of the movie against its budget. In addition, we used a colour scale for the rating of the moving, different shapes as triangles and squares to indicate the genre and the size of that figure for the popularity. We also include a filter to visualize only movies for a certain decade or lustrum.

One of the goals of our project is to visualize the connections between actors and directors. With that in mind we drew the next two sketches. In the one on the right we use two columns to connect the directors in one side with the actors on the other side. One colour is used for each director and the width is the number of movies. In the one on the left, each circle represents the actors that have collaborated with a given director. Moreover, the actors that have worked together are linked.

We used the two previous sketches to place a network on a scatter plot with the average popularity on the horizontal axis and the average rating on the vertical axis. The width of the link between a director and an actor depicts the number of films they have worked together. We aim to see a clustered structure as directors and actors that usually work together will have a similar rating and popularity.
