For this round of sketches, we focus on the research questions that were left unanswered by the first iteration of drafts that were presented in the previous post. One of the research questions for our project concerns the evolution over time of the different variables that compose our dataset and particularly the popularity of a movie.
To answer this question we created two different visualizations: the first one is a heatmap of the average popularity of films divided by year and the month of the year in which they are released.
This visualization allows to detect trends during time and also during the year, to see if movies released during a particular period of the year are more popular, like summer or winter.
The second visualization consists on a line plot of the average popularity of films by year, grouping by genre, which allows to see the evolution of genres across time. We would also add the posibility to select a genre in the second visualization so the first one would be updated showing only the movies of a particular genre.
This visualization allows to detect trends during time and also during the year
We are also interested in the gender of the protagonists of the most popular movies over time. To approach this we propose an interactive image based pyramid per year, this allows us to see if the gender gap is reduced (or not) over time.
Then, the second visualization could be a isotype plot per genre of movie for each year. This let us explore if there is a pattern of gender gap by genre of movie and if so, seek why this could be related to the popularity of the movies.